Hi guys,
So I'm working on an environment which is rather still right now and I feel as though introducing wind to my foliage would spark a bit of life into it. There isn't much info around about wind shaders/scripts so I'm wondering how I should do it. I was hoping it would be as simple as vertex painting and adding a wind zone, but no cigar.
I'm currently using Kirnu's Marvelous shaders: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/37726
So any shader work would have to be merged with that, so I've no idea where to start. I've never written a shader before.
As much as I could just use bones and hand animate them, I can't. I'm working on mobile so it has to be as friendly as posible to the CPU/GPU.
Any suggestions/ideas/tips would be extremely helpful.